Facilities and Operations
Here you will find information on facilities projects, construction bids, pre-qualification, permits, the leasing of School Board property and public announcements.
Facility Rental
If you are interested in renting one of our district facilities, please submit the form below to begin the process. The purpose of this form is to enable the public to use district facilities such as cafeterias, gyms, auditoriums, etc. Certain insurance requirements apply.
Instructional Programs and Materials
To ensure that Polk County Public Schools is using evidence-based materials and to ensure that consultants are providing professional learning focused on district-priority professional learning needs, all external providers of professional learning must complete the Instructional Programs and Materials Application.
Jessica Lunsford Act/Fingerprinting
This information is for contractors and vendors only. Potential employees should contact Human Resources at 863-534-0781 for answers to questions regarding pre-employment procedures. In compliance with the Jessica Lunsford Act, Polk County Public Schools is making every effort to secure the well-being of our county’s precious children.
Here you will find information on how to access current and awarded bids handled by the Purchasing Department. Public notices, product evaluations, and notices of intent to sole source can also be found here.
School Concurrency
School concurrency provides coordinated planning between local governments and the school district to ensure that school capacity keeps pace with residential development.
Vendor Information
Polk County Public Schools relies on its vendors to supply a wide variety of commodities and services. The school district fosters participation by all qualified business persons and seeks to build relationships within the business community.