
Polk County Public Schools administers assessments to students in grades pre-kindergarten to 12th grade to measure their achievement on Florida’s education standards, which were developed and implemented to ensure that all students graduate from high school ready for success in college, career, and life. Assessment supports instruction and student learning, and test results help district leaders and stakeholders determine whether the goals of the curriculum and instruction are being met.

The following statewide assessments will be administered this year.

Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Assessments

Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) Assessments

  • Grades VPK – 2 FAST STAR Assessments: Early Literacy, Reading, and Mathematics
  • Grades 3 – 10 Reading, Retake
  • Grades 3 – 8 Math

Other B.E.S.T. Assessments

  • Grades 4 – 10 Writing
  • Algebra 1 EOC
  • Geometry EOC

Science, Social Studies, and FSA Retakes

  • Grades 5 & 8 Statewide Science Assessment
  • Biology EOC
  • Civics EOC (middle school)
  • U.S. History EOC (high school)
  • FCLE (Florida Civic Literacy Exam)

Other Assessments

  • ACCESS for ELLs
  • Florida Alternate Assessments
  • National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP)

Families may obtain more information about the statewide assessment program by visiting the FLDOE K-12 Assessment Page  or the Florida Statewide Assessments Portal


Sample Tests

Students must use a supported web browser to access the FL DOE Practice Test site. Sample tests are available for B.E.S.T., FAST, EOC and more for all grade levels.

Please review the Practice Test and Sample Materials User Guide for access instructions.

Then visit https://login4.cambiumtds.com/student_core/V121/Pages/LoginShell.aspx?c=Florida_PT&a=Student to login and take a practice test.



Give your child the chance to practice using the practice test platform.  All practice tests: FSA and Pearson are found at https://fsassessments.org/families

How To Help Your
Child Succeed on Tests

Ensure your child has good attendance at school.

Assist your child with homework and ensure he/she is completing all assignments.

Stay in communication with your child’s teacher. Discuss any concerns about the test with the teacher or administration at the school.

Be sure that your child eats a healthy breakfast on the morning of the test.




Encourage your child to read as much as possible.

Keep track of your child’s testing dates on a calendar so you and your child are aware of the dates ahead of time.

Encourage your child to do his/her best, but do not put stress on him/her.

Make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep on the night before the test.



Ensure your child wakes up early to make sure that he/she arrives at school on time.

Give your child the chance to practice by visiting https://flfast.org/families.html