Assists Polk County public school students who meet the federal criteria as homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless with hygiene necessities throughout the school year. Hearth provided hygiene bags to 1,258 students for the 2018-2019 school year.
Individual Gallon-Size Bags to be filled with
Bath soap
2 in 1 Shampoo/Conditioner
Toothbrushes & Toothpaste
Deliver completed hygiene bags to:
The Hearth Project
1915 S Floral Ave.
Bartow, Florida 33830
Donations of gift cards for food, gas, and clothing are always appreciated and beneficial for Hearth students and families.
Monetary donations are gladly accepted to purchase products needed by these students. Please make checks payable to the Polk Education Foundation with “Hearth Project” noted on the memo line. Donations can be mailed to the Hearth Project at P.O. Box 391, Bartow, FL 33831. All monetary donations will generate a thank you letter with the Foundation’s 501(c)(3) determination for tax purposes. If your organization would like to be involved on a larger scale or you need more information please call Hearth Project at 863-457-4709.
The Hearth project under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act provides homeless students with the educational assistance to succeed.