Have you run away from home because of an unsafe environment? Are you couch surfing at different friends’ houses because of problems at home? Are you alone in a shelter and have nowhere else to go?

If so, the PCPS HEARTH Project is here to help. Under the McKinney-Vento Act, children and unaccompanied youth in housing transition have certain rights that allow you to keep attending school and have the same access to school activities as housed students.

The McKinney-Vento Act covers students living under these conditions:

  • Doubled up with friends or relatives because they cannot find or afford housing.
  • Motel, vehicle or campground due to loss of housing or economic hardship.
  • In a shelter.
  • In an abandoned building, inadequate trailer or similar accommodations on the street.

Under this act, you have the right to:

  • Go to school.
  • Attend either the local zoned school in your current location or the school of origin (the school you went to before losing housing).
  • Receive transportation to and from the school of origin (only if you live over 2 miles from the school).
  • Enroll in school immediately, even if your parents aren’t present to enroll you and if you don’t have the required documents (birth certificate, immunization forms, etc.).
  • Attend classes and participate in school activities just like any other student.
  • Have access to educational services and free meeals.

Call or e-mail us for help!
We can help you enroll in school or continue attending your old school. In addition, we also provide:

  • Backpacks, school supplies, hygiene products and clothing.
  • Funding for school related fees and expenses such as required uniforms, field trips and specific class required items.
  • Bus or gas vouchers to obtain enrollment documents and support attendance in the school of while transportation route is being arranged.
  • Referrals to appropriate community agencies to meet basic needs.
  • Assistance with college financial aid verification letters.
  • Assistance applying for Food Stamps and Medicaid benefits.

Homeless Technician: Jenn Jordan
Phone: 863-457-4709 ext. 680
Email: [email protected]